Monday, March 2, 2009

Renewed faith...for now.

As I'm writing this, I'm listening to my husband's radio show through our local college station. My head is bobbing and my feet are tap-tap-tapping to Soul Bossa Nova. You know- that song from Austin Powers.

Anyway, today was an excellent day for music education. I haven't been able to do much teaching since I started my B placement (student teaching). In fact, I'm still trying to learn my student's names. I got to do the kind of teaching I love today: one-on-one voice lessons. I'm helping a few students prepare for the upcoming solo/ensemble competition.

Just when I feel I'm getting discouraged with the lack of musical effort put forth by students in public schools, I get to work with seventh grade singers who renew my faith in music, specifically the teaching of it.

Let me explain my source of dicouragement. Not only have my opportunities for performance gone to the wayside since I've been teaching, it was very hard to go from quality music performed at a university to the music churned out in public schools. Needless to say I've had to readjust my standards.


  1. I understand how you feel. I have done little painting of my own since I've begun teaching, and it makes me feel so guilty. FINALLY, just this week, I decided to start a new painting! It feels so good to be back at it. So, I'm letting my school work slip, not preparing for mock interviews, but I'm enjoying myself. You and I (both as substitute teachers next year) will be able to set aside more time to do what we love. We won't have to write lesson plans, grade, go to meetings, etc. and at the same time we gain experience in the schools (while getting paid!) and keeping more time for ourselves.

  2. Excellent point! There IS an upside to not getting a full time teaching job...
